Branding Photo & Video

Branding Photo & Video - Floral Shop in Bluefield Virginia

When our branding-guru friend Kate Sopher reached out and asked us to do branding and promotional photo / video for a local floral shop, we couldn't wait. Working with Kate is always a blast. This mother and 2-daughter-trio were so fun to work with.

When we arrived we took photos and video of the shop.

As the day progressed we took shots of each of the ladies creating floral sets that would be used for photos and video later in the day.

I love to get to go behind the scenes in businesses to showcase their talents. We are passionate about what we do, and we love to get to work with people who are just as passionate about what they do.

These 3 ladies aren't just beautiful on the outside, they were so sweet and so fun to work with. Their shop is magnificent. It took all of my willpower not to buy everything in the store.

Jake did a great job with their video, it will eventually be used on their website and social media. 

Are you in need of fresh branding, photo, and video for your business? Our team would love to sit down and chat with you.

Contact Us

Sheena and Jake are a photo & design / video duo located in downtown Lewisburg WV. We offer branding, photo, and video to small businesses.